English Idioms

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Hissy fit


The idiom "hissy fit" refers to a temper tantrum or outburst of anger, often characterized by loud and violent behavior. It is thought to have originated from the sound of a cat hissing when it's angry.


  • After losing her job, Mary had a complete hissy fit and started screaming at everyone in sight.
  • The baby threw a hissy fit when they couldn't find their favorite toy.
  • When the restaurant ran out of her favorite dish, Sarah threw a hissy fit and demanded to speak to the manager.
  • He had a hissy fit when he found out that his friends hadn't invited him to the party.
  • The cat had a hissy fit when it saw its reflection in the mirror. The usage of "hissy fit" can vary depending on the context. For example, it can be used to describe a tantrum that is especially loud or violent, or it can be used more generally to refer to any temper tantrum or outburst of anger.

Roots and History

The idiom "hissy fit" first appeared in print in the 19th century, but its origins are uncertain. Some believe that it comes from the sound of a cat hissing when it's angry, while others think it may have been influenced by similar idioms such as "throw a fit" or "have a meltdown." The meaning and usage of the idiom have remained relatively stable over time.

Synonyms in English

  • Meltdown
  • Tantrum
  • Outburst
  • Rage
  • Fury

Synonyms in other languages

  • French: "éclat" - This idiom refers to a sudden and explosive outburst of anger or emotion, often characterized by loud noises and violence.
  • Spanish: "tirón" - This idiom refers to a sudden and explosive outburst of anger or emotion, often characterized by shouting and physical violence.
  • German: "Ausbruch" - This idiom refers to a sudden and explosive outburst of anger or emotion, often characterized by shouting and physical violence.
  • Italian: "sciaglio" - This idiom refers to a sudden and explosive outburst of anger or emotion, often characterized by shouting and physical violence.
  • Portuguese: "atentado" - This idiom refers to a sudden and explosive outburst of anger or emotion, often characterized by shouting and physical violence.

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