English Idioms

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Hot air


The idiom "hot air" refers to a situation or conversation that is filled with empty words, exaggerated promises, or unrealistic expectations. It can also describe someone who is full of hot air, meaning they are full of themselves and their own self-importance.


  • The company's latest announcement was just hot air, as they promised to cut costs but failed to deliver.
  • When I asked my boss about the new project, he gave me nothing but hot air and didn't answer any of my questions.
  • During the politician's speech, it was all hot air and no substance, as he promised everything under the sun without providing any concrete plans.
  • The celebrity's reputation is built on a foundation of hot air, as they have never actually accomplished anything noteworthy.
  • My friend always talks hot air about being an expert, but they don't know what they're talking about most of the time.

Roots and History

The origin of "hot air" as an idiom is uncertain, but it has been in use since at least the 17th century. One theory suggests that the phrase comes from balloons filled with hot air, which were used for entertainment and scientific experiments in the 18th century. Another theory suggests that it comes from politicians who make empty promises filled with "hot air" to win elections. Over time, the meaning of "hot air" has evolved slightly. It originally referred specifically to situations or conversations where promises are made without any real plans or action being taken. Today, the idiom is used more broadly to refer to any situation or conversation that is full of empty words or unrealistic expectations.

Synonyms in English

  • Empty talk
  • Hot air blower
  • Bullshit artist
  • Windbag
  • Flattery

Synonyms in other languages

  • French: "babillard" (chatterer)
  • German: "Blatschaue" (empty talk)
  • Spanish: "pirata de palabras" (word-slinger)
  • Italian: "fogliaccio" (windbag)
  • Portuguese: "baburra" (chatterbox)

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