English Idioms

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High five


The idiom "high five" is a gesture or expression used to acknowledge success, congratulate someone, or express enthusiasm. It involves putting one's hand palm-up and slapping it against another person's hand, usually in a friendly manner. The literal meaning of the phrase is to lift one's hand high and give a five o'clock salute, which was used by early aviators who would signal they were ready for takeoff at 5 pm.


  • After winning the game, the team gave each other high fives to celebrate their victory.
  • When I got my promotion, my colleagues and boss gave me a high five to congratulate me.
  • I was thrilled when I found out I got accepted into my dream school. My friends and family gave me a high five to show their support.
  • The band played an amazing concert, and the audience gave them a high five by clapping enthusiastically.
  • When I finished running the marathon, I was exhausted but happy. My fellow runners gave me a high five to keep my spirits up.

Roots and History

The phrase "high five" is believed to have originated in aviation in the early 20th century. Pilots would signal they were ready for takeoff at 5 pm by lifting their hand high and giving a salute. Over time, this gesture evolved into a more casual way of acknowledging success or expressing enthusiasm.

Synonyms in English

  • Slap five
  • Give each other fives
  • High-five
  • Hug it out
  • Pat on the back

Synonyms in other languages

  • French: Baiser (kiss)
  • German: Fistpump (pump fist)
  • Italian: Saluti (salute)
  • Spanish: Abrazo (hug)
  • Portuguese: Abraço (hug)

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