English Idioms

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If you scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours


The idiom "if you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours" is an expression used to convey that if someone does something nice for you or helps you out in some way, you will do the same for them. It suggests that a favor is returned, and that both parties are essentially getting what they want from each other.


  • "I helped her move into her new apartment, and she promised to scratch my back next time I need a favor."
  • "If you take me out for a fancy dinner tonight, I'll make sure to scratch your back in the business meeting tomorrow."
  • "I'm willing to give him a recommendation letter if he returns the favor by writing one for me."
  • "I'm not interested in doing anything for her unless she does something nice for me first."
  • "We have an unspoken agreement that we'll scratch each other's backs whenever we need help with our respective jobs."

Roots and History

The idiom has been used since at least the 17th century and is believed to come from the practice of scratched backs as a form of punishment in the military. If someone did something wrong, they would be punished by having their backs scratched with a sharp object. However, if someone did something right or showed loyalty, they would receive a scratch on the back as a reward. Over time, the meaning of the idiom has evolved to include more than just physical favors. It is now commonly used to refer to any kind of favor or help, whether it be financial, emotional, or otherwise.

Synonyms in English

  • Quid Pro Quo
  • Mutual Benefit
  • You Scratch My Back, I'll Scratch Yours
  • The Goods on Me
  • A Favor for a Favor

Synonyms in other languages

  • In French: "Je vous ai fait la main dans le dos" (I have scratched your back)
  • In Spanish: "Te hago un favor si tú me lo haces también" (I'll do you a favor if you do me one too)
  • In Italian: "Se fai il favore, io ti farò anche uno" (If you do me a favor, I'll do one for you)
  • In German: "Wenn du mir eine Hand auf den Rücken gibst, ich werde dir auch eine geben" (If you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours)
  • In Arabic: "وهنا بلا زيد معلومة أكثر الجميع" (We don't know more than the rest of them)

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