English Idioms

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In cold blood


The idiom "in cold blood" means to commit a crime or act of violence without any hesitation, intention, or remorse. It suggests that the person is calm and emotionless when carrying out such an action.

  • He was in cold blood when he shot his wife.
  • She was in cold blood when she slit her own throat.
  • The assassins were in cold blood when they killed the president.
  • The robbery was in cold blood, with no sign of struggle or resistance.
  • He was in cold blood when he set fire to his house and killed his family.


The usage of the idiom "in cold blood" can vary depending on the context. It is commonly used to describe a crime that was committed with no hesitation, intention, or remorse. It is also used to describe someone who is emotionally detached and calm when carrying out a violent act.

  • The murder was in cold blood, as there were no signs of struggle or resistance.
  • She was in cold blood when she slit her own throat, leaving behind a note that read "I am sorry."
  • The assassins were in cold blood when they killed the president, and no one knows why they did it.
  • He was in cold blood when he set fire to his house and killed his family, burning down everything in his path.
  • She was in cold blood when she robbed the bank, taking all of the money without any hesitation or intention to harm anyone.

Roots and History

The idiom "in cold blood" dates back to the early 20th century and is believed to have originated in the United States. It is thought to have been inspired by several violent crimes that were committed without any hesitation or remorse, such as the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Over time, the idiom has become a common expression used to describe someone who is emotionally detached and calm when carrying out a violent act.

Synonyms in English

  • Without feeling - This idiom means to do something without any emotions or emotions.
  • With a straight face - This idiom means to carry out an action with no hesitation or remorse, as if it was nothing.
  • Without a second thought - This idiom means to act on impulse without any hesitation or second-guessing.
  • Like a machine - This idiom means to act without any emotions or emotions, like a machine following instructions.
  • Without pity - This idiom means to act without any mercy or compassion towards someone or something.

Synonyms in other languages

  • In French - "Dans le sang-froid" (In cold blood) - This idiom has the same meaning as the English idiom and is used in French to describe a person who is calm and emotionless when carrying out a violent act.
  • In Spanish - "Con frío en el corazón" (With cold blood) - This idiom has the same meaning as the English idiom and is used in Spanish to describe a person who is emotionally detached and calm when carrying out a violent act.
  • In German - "Kaltblutig" (In cold blood) - This idiom has the same meaning as the English idiom and is used in German to describe a person who is emotionless and calm when carrying out a violent act.
  • In Italian - "Con freddo nel cuore" (With cold blood) - This idiom has the same meaning as the English idiom and is used in Italian to describe a person who is emotionally detached and calm when carrying out a violent act.
  • In Mandarin Chinese - "冷血斑心" (In cold blood, without emotion) - This idiom has the same meaning as the English idiom and is used in Mandarin Chinese to describe a person who is emotionally detached and calm when carrying out a violent act.

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