English Idioms

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Keep your nose clean


The idiom "keep your nose clean" means to avoid doing anything that might cause trouble or make you unpopular. It is often used to describe someone who is careful not to do the wrong thing, even if it would be easy or tempting. The phrase is typically said in a positive or admiring way, indicating that the person is respected for their moral character and self-control.


  • "I always try to keep my nose clean at work by not gossiping about my colleagues."
  • "When you're a student, it's important to keep your nose clean by completing all your assignments on time."
  • "If you want to be successful in business, you need to keep your nose clean and avoid any shady dealings."
  • "It's important for athletes to keep their nose clean by eating healthy and exercising regularly."
  • "When you're traveling, it's best to keep your nose clean by respecting local customs and laws."

Roots and History

The phrase "keep your nose clean" originated in the early 1900s as a way of urging people to stay out of trouble. The idiom likely comes from the idea that if you don't keep yourself clean (by taking showers or washing your hands), you are more prone to getting sick or spreading illness. Similarly, if you don't keep yourself "clean" in terms of your behavior and actions, you may end up in a similar situation.

Synonyms in English

  • Keep your chin up
  • Stay on the straight and narrow
  • Watch your step
  • Be careful what you say or do
  • Don't rock the boat

Synonyms in other languages

  • In French, "tenir le nez à l'eau" means to keep your nose clean.
  • In Spanish, "tener el hambre de ser bueno" means to have a good character and behavior.
  • In Italian, "avere un buon volontà" means to have self-control and morality.
  • In German, "zuverlässig sein" means to be reliable and trustworthy.
  • In Japanese, "譚ることを行っていればよい" means to always do the right thing.

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