English Idioms

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Labour of love


"Labour of love" refers to a task or activity that someone does willingly and enthusiastically, without expecting any reward or compensation beyond the satisfaction they get from doing it. It is often used to describe actions that are done out of affection, dedication, or appreciation for someone or something.


  • She spends hours every day volunteering at the animal shelter, and she does it without expecting anything in return but the joy of seeing happy pets. (figurative)
  • My husband always helps with household chores, even though he has a busy schedule, just because he loves me and wants to make my life easier. (metaphorical)
  • The teacher puts in extra effort to make sure that her students understand the material, even though it is not required by her job, out of love for teaching and helping others. (figurative)
  • My friend who works at a charity organization spends countless hours fundraising, and he does it without expecting any financial gain but the feeling of making a positive impact in the world. (metaphorical)
  • She goes above and beyond to make her guests feel welcome and comfortable in her home, even though she has other things to do, because she loves entertaining and making others feel happy. (figurative)

Roots and History

"Labour of love" is a common phrase that has been used for centuries to describe actions done out of affection or dedication. Its origins can be traced back to religious texts such as the Bible, where the term "labour of love" is used to describe acts of service done willingly and without expectation of reward. Over time, the phrase has evolved to include non-religious actions that are motivated by love, dedication, or appreciation for someone or something.

Synonyms in English

  • Act of kindness
  • Selfless deed
  • Act of charity
  • Goodwill gesture
  • Altruistic act

Synonyms in other languages

  • 愛與努力 (Japanese) - a combination of love and hard work, often used to describe someone who puts in extra effort for someone they care about
  • 愛的工作 (French) - work done out of love, often used to describe volunteer work or other acts of selflessness
  • 愛心努力 (German) - a combination of love and hard work, often used to describe someone who puts in extra effort for someone they care about
  • 愛的工作 (Spanish) - work done out of love, often used to describe volunteer work or other acts of selflessness
  • 愛護家 (Chinese) - a protector of those they love, often used to describe someone who goes above and beyond to keep their loved ones safe or happy.

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