English Idioms

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Like a duck to water


The idiom "like a duck to water" means that someone or something fits or is comfortable in a particular environment or situation, as if they were naturally suited for it. The person or thing being described has an innate aptitude for the activity or role they are engaged in.


  • John was like a duck to water when it came to playing basketball. He had been playing since he was young and had always had a natural talent for it.
  • Sarah is like a duck to water on stage. She has a gift for public speaking and can captivate an audience with ease.
  • Michael is like a duck to water when it comes to cooking. He grew up in a family of chefs and has always had a passion for experimenting in the kitchen.
  • The new hire was like a duck to water in the team. She had worked in similar roles before and quickly became an asset to the group.
  • The bird is like a duck to water when it comes to flying. It has strong wings and can glide effortlessly through the air.

Roots and History

The idiom "like a duck to water" dates back to at least the 16th century. One of the earliest known uses of the phrase appears in a collection of proverbs published in 1578, which states: "If it be like a drake to water, if it be so in nature." This suggests that the idiom may have originated from a comparison between a bird's natural ability to swim and a person's innate aptitude for a particular activity. Over time, the idiom has become more generalized to refer to any situation or environment where someone feels comfortable or at ease.

Synonyms in English

  • Like second nature
  • Comfortable as a shoe
  • At home like one's own skin
  • Naturally inclined
  • Born to it

Synonyms in other languages

  • Spanish - "como una pluma en el agua" (like a feather in water)
  • French - "comme une plume dans l'eau" (like a feather in water)
  • Italian - "come un pesce in acqua" (like a fish in water)
  • German - "wie ein Fisch in Wasser" (like a fish in water)
  • Dutch - "als een vogel boven het water" (like a bird over the water)

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