English Idioms

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Wild goose chase


The idiom "wild goose chase" refers to a task or activity that is fruitless, pointless or a waste of time. It is often used to describe an endeavor that involves searching for something that is unlikely to be found or achieving a goal that is unattainable.


  • "Spending hours on the internet looking for information about my problem was like going on a wild goose chase." - This sentence implies that the person's search was a waste of time as they were unable to find any useful information.
  • "I wasted three hours at the post office waiting in line, it felt like a wild goose chase." - This sentence suggests that the time spent in line was unproductive and a waste of time.
  • "The scientist's research on dark matter has been a wild goose chase for years." - This sentence implies that the scientist's research on dark matter has not yielded any significant results or breakthroughs.
  • "Trying to find my lost keys in this cluttered room has been a wild goose chase." - This sentence suggests that searching for the keys was fruitless as they were hidden away in a cluttered room.
  • "I've been looking for my missing phone for hours now, it feels like a wild goose chase." - This sentence implies that the person's search for their phone is unlikely to yield any results.

Roots and History

The origin of the idiom is unclear, but it has been in use since at least the 16th century. One theory suggests that it comes from the practice of hunting wild geese, which involves chasing after them through dense forests or fields. Another theory suggests that it may have originated from a game called "goose chase," which was popular in medieval times. Over time, the idiom has come to be used more broadly to describe any endeavor that is fruitless or unproductive.

Synonyms in English

  • Wild goose hunt
  • Fool's errand
  • Wild goose chase
  • Waste of time
  • Time-wasting

Synonyms in other languages

  • Spanish - "hacer una busqueda salvaje" (to make a wild search)
  • French - "une chasse aux oiseaux sauvages" (a hunt for wild birds)
  • German - "eine Wildgansjagd" (a wild goose hunt)
  • Italian - "un caccio alle gane wild" (a hunt for wild geese)
  • Dutch - "een wild gansenjacht" (a wild goose hunt)

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