English Idioms

Comprehensive resource for understanding and mastering English idioms

Learn to walk before you run


The idiom "learn to walk before you run" means that one should learn and master a basic skill or task before attempting something more complex or challenging. It emphasizes the importance of taking the time to understand and develop fundamental knowledge and skills before moving on to more advanced matters.


  • Sarah's been practicing coding for months now, but she still hasn't learned the basics of Java yet. She should really learn to walk before she runs.
  • My son is trying to learn how to ride a bike without training wheels. I told him he needs to learn to walk before he can run.
  • Before you start investing in the stock market, make sure you understand the basics of finance and investing. Learn to walk before you run.
  • The new employee needs to spend some time learning about our company's policies and procedures before they can take on more responsibilities. It's like learning to walk before running a marathon.
  • I've been reading this book on yoga for a few weeks now, but I haven't yet mastered the basic poses. Maybe I should learn to walk before I run.

Roots and History

The idiom has its roots in the proverb "caveat emptor," which means "let the buyer beware." This phrase emphasizes that it is up to individuals to protect themselves from fraud, scams, and other risks. By learning to walk before running, people can avoid making hasty decisions or taking on too much too soon. The earliest known use of this idiom dates back to the 14th century. It has since been adapted and used in various contexts, emphasizing different aspects of personal growth and development.

Synonyms in English

  • Start small before going big
  • Take it slow before taking off
  • Master the basics before moving on
  • Build a foundation before reaching for the sky
  • Gradually progress before achieving greatness

Synonyms in other languages

  • In Spanish: "aprender a andar antes de correr" (learn to walk before running)
  • In French: "apprendre à marcher avant de courrir" (learn to walk before running)
  • In Italian: "apprendere ad andare a piedi prima di correre" (learn to walk before running)
  • In German: "lernen, zu laufen bevor man rennt" (learn to run before running)
  • In Dutch: "leren te lopen voordat je kunt rennen" (learn to walk before you can run)

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