English Idioms

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Line in the sand


The idiom "line in the sand" refers to a point of no return, a boundary that cannot be crossed, or a decision that has been made and cannot be changed. It is used to describe a situation where someone has taken a stance and is unwilling to back down, even if it means facing consequences.


  • The manager drew a line in the sand and told his employees they would have to work longer hours to meet the deadline.
  • After the argument, she refused to apologize and drew a line in the sand, saying she wouldn't speak to him again.
  • The company's policy is clear: if you miss three days of work, you're out of a job. They don't draw lines in the sand.
  • When he found out his wife was having an affair, he drew a line in the sand and told her to leave the house immediately.
  • The CEO made it clear that there would be no compromise on the issue; he had drawn a line in the sand.

Roots and History

The idiom "line in the sand" dates back to ancient times, where boundaries were often marked by lines drawn in the sand or dirt. In ancient Egypt, the pharaoh would draw lines in sand with his staff, marking off limits that no one was allowed to cross. Similarly, in Greek mythology, the goddess Athena was said to have drawn a line in the sand around her father's city, marking it as sacred and untouchable. In modern times, the idiom has taken on a figurative meaning, representing a point of no return or a decision that cannot be changed. It is commonly used in business, politics, and personal relationships to describe a situation where someone has taken a stance and is unwilling to back down.

Synonyms in English

  • Red line
  • Bottom line
  • Crossing the threshold
  • Point of no return
  • Cutting off ties

Synonyms in other languages

  • 烧线 (Japanese) - A line drawn with fire that cannot be crossed.
  • 라인을 그린 것 (Korean) - To draw a line and mark it as sacred or untouchable.
  • 글자로 쓴 선 (Chinese) - A line written in characters that cannot be crossed.
  • 구분선 (Dutch) - A line that separates two different things or groups.
  • 그린이한 상태 (Spanish) - To be in a state where no one can cross a certain point or boundary.

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