English Idioms

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Miles away


The idiom "miles away" means extremely far away, very distant, or so far apart that it's almost impossible to reach or communicate with someone or something. It can also suggest a complete lack of connection or interest between two people or groups.


  • I couldn't believe how miles away my family was during the pandemic. We had to keep our distance due to social distancing guidelines, but it felt like they were so much further away than usual.
  • The two companies that were supposed to merge have been miles apart in their negotiations, and it seems like they will never come to an agreement.
  • When I saw my ex-boyfriend at a party, it was like seeing someone from another planet - he seemed so far away and disconnected from me.
  • The city is miles away from where I live, and it takes me hours to get there by public transportation.
  • I feel like we're miles apart on the issue of climate change. My friend thinks we should focus more on renewable energy sources, while I think we need to invest in nuclear power.

Roots and History

The idiom "miles away" dates back to at least the 16th century. It comes from the literal distance that one can travel on foot or horseback in a day or two, which is roughly seven miles if you're going at a steady pace. Over time, the phrase came to be used figuratively to describe a great distance or separation between people or things. In the past, "miles away" was often used in the context of long journeys or traveling great distances. However, with the advent of technology and modern communication, its usage has expanded to include emotional or metaphorical distance as well.

Synonyms in English

  • Light-years apart
  • A million miles away
  • In a different universe
  • Worlds apart
  • Distant galaxies

Synonyms in other languages

  • В соседнем мире - Spanish (in a neighboring world)
  • Au-delà des montagnes - French (beyond the mountains)
  • 天空之中 - Chinese (in heaven)
  • فيرق الذهب - Arabic (golden fire)
  • סַלְקָת מֵאַוֶכן הַשָּם - Hebrew (far away from here)

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