English Idioms

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Music to ears


The idiom "music to ears" is used to describe something that is very pleasing or comforting to someone. It can also mean something that is very satisfying, enjoyable, or successful. The phrase originates from the idea of hearing music that brings great joy and satisfaction to the listener's ears.


  • The sound of the ocean waves crashing on the shore was music to my ears.
  • I loved listening to jazz music at the local coffee shop, it was like music to my soul.
  • The new marketing strategy has been a huge success and is music to our ears.
  • When I found out I got accepted into my dream school, I felt like the luckiest person in the world and hearing the news was music to my ears.
  • My family was thrilled when they found out their hard work had paid off and their company had received a major award, it was music to their ears.

Roots and History

The idiom "music to my ears" is believed to have originated in the 18th century. It was used by musicians to describe how they felt when playing for an audience that appreciated their music. Over time, the phrase evolved to mean something that was pleasing or satisfying to anyone who heard it.

Synonyms in English

  • A sight for sore eyes
  • A breath of fresh air
  • A heart of gold
  • A feast for the senses
  • The icing on the cake

Synonyms in other languages

  • French: "La belle œille" (The beautiful eye)
  • German: "Die schönen Augen" (The beautiful eyes)
  • Spanish: "Los ojos hermosos" (The beautiful eyes)
  • Italian: "Gli occhi verdi" (The green eyes)
  • Dutch: "De mooie ogen" (The beautiful eyes)

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