English Idioms

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On the case


The idiom "on the case" means to be actively investigating or working on something, usually to solve a problem or find information. It can also refer to someone who is experienced and competent at their job or task.


  • The detective was on the case of the mysterious theft in the city.
  • The team was on the case to find a solution to the company's financial crisis.
  • The scientist was on the case of developing a new vaccine for the virus.
  • The athlete was on the case to win the championship match.
  • The CEO was on the case to improve the company's customer service ratings. The usage of "on the case" can vary depending on the context. For example, in the first sentence, it refers to a detective actively investigating a crime. In the second sentence, it refers to a team working on finding a solution to a financial crisis. In the third sentence, it refers to a scientist actively researching and developing a new vaccine. In the fourth sentence, it refers to an athlete preparing for a championship match. In the fifth sentence, it refers to a CEO who is actively working to improve customer service ratings.

Roots and History

The idiom "on the case" has been in use since the 19th century. It originally referred to someone who was assigned to investigate or solve a problem, such as a detective or an attorney. Over time, it has come to be used more broadly to refer to anyone who is actively working on something, regardless of their profession or task.

Synonyms in English

  • Investigating
  • Working on
  • Pursuing
  • Picking up
  • Following up

Synonyms in other languages

  • French: Enquêter
  • Spanish: Investigar
  • German: Untersuchen
  • Italian: Investigare
  • Dutch: Onderzoeken All of these synonyms have similar meanings to "on the case" and are commonly used in contemporary language.

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