English Idioms

Comprehensive resource for understanding and mastering English idioms

On/to hand


The idiom "on/to hand" means to be in possession of something or someone, either literally or figuratively. It can also mean to have control over something, especially when referring to a situation or event. Example usage:

  • I accidentally left my wallet on the counter and now it's on hand for whoever finds it.
  • The company is taking steps to ensure that all employees are aware of their responsibilities during the upcoming project, so everything is on hand to go smoothly.
  • I asked my friend if they wanted to come with me to the movie, but they declined because they already had plans on hand. The idiom "on/to hand" can also be used figuratively to refer to a situation or event that is imminent and likely to happen soon. For example:
  • I've been studying for weeks, so I feel confident that I can handle whatever questions come my way during the test on Monday.
  • My boss recently resigned, which means there will be some changes on hand in the next few weeks.


  • We found out that the new hire had a criminal record on hand, which prompted us to run a background check.
  • The restaurant is known for its fresh seafood, which is always on hand and prepared to order.
  • My friend forgot their phone at home, but they were able to get by with just their wits on hand.
  • We had to rush to complete the project before the deadline, but everything was on hand and we finished on time.
  • The company announced a new product launch next week, which means we need to start preparing for any potential issues that may arise on hand.

Roots and History

The idiom "on/to hand" has been in use since at least the early 17th century. It is believed to have originated from the idea of "having something on one's hands," which refers to having physical possession or control over something. Over time, the idiom has taken on a more metaphorical meaning, referring to situations or events that are imminent and likely to happen soon.

Synonyms in English

  • In hand
  • At hand
  • On tap
  • Ready for action
  • Prepared for anything

Synonyms in other languages

  • En main (French) - This idiom refers to something or someone that is immediately available or at hand.
  • Auf die Hand (German) - This idiom means "immediately" or "at once." It is often used to describe actions that need to be taken without delay.
  • Alle da (Swedish) - This idiom means "everything is ready and available." It is often used in business contexts to describe a project or task that is almost completed.
  • Pronto (Portuguese) - This idiom means "immediately" or "at once." It is often used to describe actions that need to be taken without delay.
  • Basta (Italian) - This idiom means "enough" or "that's enough." It is often used to indicate that something has been done or accomplished, and there is no need for further action.

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