English Idioms

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Paddle own canoe


The idiom "paddle own canoe" means that people are responsible for their own problems or decisions, and they should not expect others to fix them or make them. It emphasizes self-reliance and independence.


  • She always tells me to paddle my own canoe and not rely on her for help all the time.
  • When I asked my boss to help me with this project, he told me to paddle my own canoe and figure it out on my own.
  • My friend's relationship has been going through some rough patches, but she refuses to paddle her own canoe and blames her partner for everything.
  • I always try to paddle my own canoe in life, even when things get tough.
  • My coworker used to ask me for advice on everything, but then he realized that he needed to paddle his own canoe and make his own decisions.

Roots and History

The origin of this idiom is unclear, but it has been in use since at least the 19th century. It is believed to have come from the idea of a person navigating their own canoe through rough waters or rapids. The metaphor suggests that people should be self-reliant and able to navigate their own way through life's challenges without relying on others for help.

Synonyms in English

  • Take the bull by the horns
  • Sink or swim
  • Get out of your comfort zone
  • Face your problems head-on
  • Ride the wave

Synonyms in other languages

  • Dutch: "Paad vrij" (Free path) - This idiom means that people should take responsibility for their own actions and not blame others.
  • French: "Choisir son propre chemin" (Choose your own path) - This idiom emphasizes the importance of making one's own choices and decisions in life.
  • Italian: "Dire una verità da cuore" (Speak a truth from the heart) - This idiom means that people should be honest and not rely on others to fix their problems.
  • Spanish: "Caminar por suerte" (Walk by chance) - This idiom suggests that people should take risks and make their own way in life instead of relying on others for help.
  • German: "Bei sich selbst sein" (To be self-sufficient) - This idiom means that people should be independent and not rely on others for support or help.

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