English Idioms

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Pardon me


The idiom "pardon me" is used to ask for permission, express gratitude, or apologize politely. It can also be used to acknowledge someone's presence or introduce oneself. The literal meaning of "pardon" refers to a formal act of forgiving or granting mercy, which reflects the figurative sense of asking for leniency or understanding.


  • "Pardon me, do you have a minute to chat?" - used to ask for permission to speak with someone
  • "I just wanted to say thank you for your help. Pardon me if I'm being too forward." - used to express gratitude and politeness
  • "Excuse me, I need to use the restroom. Pardon me for interrupting." - used to ask permission to leave and apologize for interrupting
  • "Hello there! Pardon my intrusion, but I couldn't help but notice your beautiful artwork." - used to introduce oneself politely and express admiration
  • "I made a mistake and need to correct it. Pardon me for any inconvenience this may cause." - used to apologize for a mistake and seek understanding or forgiveness

Roots and History

The idiom "pardon me" is believed to have originated from the verb "pardon," which means to forgive someone's mistakes or wrongdoings. The idiom likely developed as a polite way to ask for permission or express gratitude, reflecting the importance of manners and politeness in English culture. Over time, the idiom has evolved to include a wider range of meanings and uses, including apologizing for interrupting or making mistakes. In contemporary language, "pardon me" is commonly used as a polite way to ask for permission or express gratitude in various contexts.

Synonyms in English

  • Excuse me
  • May I?
  • Might I?
  • Can I please?
  • Do you mind if I...?

Synonyms in other languages

  • Disculpe-me (Spanish) - used to ask for permission or express gratitude
  • Je suis désolé (French) - used to apologize for a mistake or wrongdoing
  • Scusi (Italian) - used to ask for permission or express gratitude
  • 사슴이에요 (Korean) - used to apologize for interrupting or causing trouble
  • 미안해요 (Japanese) - used to apologize for a mistake or wrongdoing

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