English Idioms

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Pie in the sky


The idiom "pie in the sky" means a plan or idea that is impractical, unrealistic, or impossible to achieve. It often refers to something that someone proposes as a solution to a problem but lacks any actual practicality or feasibility.


  • The politician promised to solve the country's economic problems with a "pie in the sky" plan that involved magical money trees.
  • My friend suggested we go skydiving, but I told him it was a "pie in the sky" idea because I'm afraid of heights.
  • The company's CEO promised to double profits by next quarter with a "pie in the sky" strategy that involved selling products to imaginary customers.
  • My cousin suggested we build a rocket to Mars, but I told him it was a "pie in the sky" idea because we don't have the technology or resources for such a project.
  • The doctor recommended a surgical procedure to cure my rare disease, but I refused because it sounded like a "pie in the sky" solution with no guarantees of success.

Roots and History

The idiom "pie in the sky" has been used since at least the 19th century. It originates from the idea of a delicious pie in the clouds that children dream of when they're feeling hungry or disappointed. However, this is a figurative meaning, and the phrase has taken on a more negative connotation over time to refer to impractical or unrealistic ideas.

Synonyms in English

  • Dream
  • Fantasy
  • Wishful thinking
  • Utopia
  • Impossibility

Synonyms in other languages

  • 天空中的果子 (Chinese) - Refers to a dream or idea that is impossible to achieve.
  • סוים בהים אשראלית מעלון חנויה (Hebrew) - Refers to an idealized situation that doesn't exist in reality.
  • לעדן גשוניסן תפורשונה (Hebrew) - Refers to a plan or idea that is unrealistic and lacks any practicality.
  • מנחה שנת החיים של מצוידים כחצים ואינו עליך אנגלסים (Hebrew) - Refers to a plan or idea that is practical and realistic.
  • ביתון פניהבור ונושקר אחד (Hebrew) - Refers to a utopian situation where everyone is happy and fulfilled.

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