English Idioms

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Red herring


The idiom "red herring" refers to something that is introduced or presented as a distraction from the main issue or problem being discussed. It is often used to refer to a false lead or a diversion that is meant to confuse or mislead people. The literal meaning of the term comes from the practice of smoking fish, which was traditionally done by rubbing red pepper on the fish before drying it. This gave the fish a distinctive smell that could be used to identify it as smoked.


  • The politician brought up the question of immigration to divert attention away from the real issue at hand: the economy.
  • The detective followed a red herring by pursuing a lead that turned out to be false.
  • The researcher spent too much time chasing after red herrings and never got to the heart of the problem.
  • The student was given a red herring by the teacher, who accused them of plagiarism without providing any evidence.
  • The journalist sensed that the politician was trying to distract from the real issue with a red herring, so they dug deeper into the story.

Roots and History

The idiom "red herring" has its origins in medieval England, where smoking fish was a common practice for preserving fish. The fish were smoked over an open flame, and the red pepper used to smoke them gave the fish a distinctive smell that could be used to identify it as smoked. Over time, the term "red herring" came to be used figuratively to refer to something that was introduced as a diversion or false lead.

Synonyms in English

  • False lead
  • Diversion
  • Misdirection
  • Red herring trail
  • Smoke screen

Synonyms in other languages

  • Trompe l'oeil (French) - a deceptive or misleading painting, photograph, etc.
  • Verfälschung (German) - distortion or false representation of facts
  • Pastiche (French) - a composition made by combining elements from different works of art or literature
  • Il fuorilegge (Italian) - a person who escapes the law or authority
  • Huldigung (German) - a tribute or homage, often given to someone for their achievements or contributions.

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