English Idioms

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Right as rain


The idiom "right as rain" is used to describe someone or something that is doing well or performing perfectly. It implies that the person or thing is in good condition and functioning properly, just like how a car would run smoothly after a fresh coat of paint.


  • After their recent renovation, the house was right as rain, with everything working perfectly.
  • The new software update fixed all the bugs, making the computer right as rain again.
  • The performer nailed every note and received a standing ovation, leaving the audience right as rain.
  • The athlete had been training hard for months and finally felt right as rain during the competition.
  • The weather forecast predicted clear skies and no rain, making it a perfect day to go on a picnic and feel right as rain.

Roots and History

The idiom "right as rain" has its roots in 18th century English literature, where it was used to describe someone who was healthy and in good spirits. Over time, the phrase evolved to mean something that was functioning properly or working well. In contemporary language, the idiom is commonly used to describe someone or something that is doing great or performing exceptionally.

Synonyms in English

  • In top form
  • Running smoothly
  • Operating efficiently
  • Performing flawlessly
  • Executing excellently

Synonyms in other languages

  • French: "en pleine forme" (in full form)
  • German: "sehr gut" (very good)
  • Spanish: "bienestar" (well-being)
  • Italian: "stato di salute ottimali" (optimal state of health)
  • Chinese: "健康的" (healthy)

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