English Idioms

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Rise and shine


The idiom "rise and shine" is used to greet someone in the morning, wishing them a good start to their day. It can also be used to express optimism or hope for the future. The phrase literally means to stand up from a lying position (i.e., sleep) and face the day with enthusiasm and energy.


  • "Good morning! How are you feeling? Rise and shine!"
  • "I'm so excited to start this new project! Let's rise and shine!"
  • "It's a beautiful day! Let's all rise and shine!"
  • "I had a terrible night's sleep, but I'll just have to rise and shine and make the best of it."
  • "The future is bright! Let's all rise and shine and take advantage of it." The usage of "rise and shine" can vary depending on the context. It can be used as a friendly greeting, an encouraging message, or even a motivational call to action. It can also be used humorously, such as when someone is clearly struggling to wake up in the morning.

Roots and History

The idiom "rise and shine" has been in use since at least the 16th century. The earliest known usage appears in a collection of proverbs from England in 1548, which includes the phrase "To rise and shine, to get up out of bed." Over time, the phrase evolved into a more metaphorical expression of hope and optimism for the future. In some cultures, similar phrases are used to greet each other in the morning, such as the Japanese "ohayou gozaimasu" or the French "bonjour".

Synonyms in English

  • Good morning!
  • Wake up and smell the coffee!
  • The dawn of a new day is upon us!
  • Let's seize the day!
  • A new adventure awaits!

Synonyms in other languages

  • Hola amigo! (Spanish)
  • Bonjour mes amis! (French)
  • Guten Tag, Freunde! (German)
  • Ciao, cari amici! (Italian)
  • こんにちは、ご飯いただきます! (Japanese)

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