English Idioms

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Safe bet


The idiom "safe bet" is a common expression used to describe an action that has a high probability of success or a situation that can be predicted with confidence. It suggests that the person making the decision knows what they are doing and can trust their judgment. The phrase implies that there is little risk involved in the decision, making it a safe option.


  • "I think I have a safe bet on the outcome of this basketball game." (Sports)
  • "If you're looking for a safe bet in investing, real estate has historically been a reliable option." (Investing)
  • "Before making any major decisions, I like to gather all the information and make sure it's a safe bet before moving forward." (Personal Life)
  • "The company has a lot of experience and expertise in this field, making it a safe bet for their success." (Business)
  • "I'm not confident that the weather forecast is accurate, so I won't make any plans based on it. It's always safer to wait until you have more information before making a decision." (Weather) The usage of this idiom can vary depending on the context. For example, in sports, a safe bet may refer to an action that is likely to result in victory. In investing, a safe bet may refer to an investment opportunity with low risk and high potential return. In personal life, a safe bet may refer to a decision that has little risk and is based on confident judgment. In business, a safe bet may refer to a company's expertise or experience in a particular field.

Roots and History

The earliest known use of the phrase "safe bet" can be traced back to the 15th century. However, it wasn't until the early 20th century that the idiom began to take on its current meaning. In the 1930s, the term was used in American English as a synonym for "betting sure." It wasn't until the 1940s that the phrase became associated with low risk and high probability of success. Over time, the usage of this idiom has expanded beyond gambling and investment to include personal decision-making. Today, it is a widely used expression in contemporary language to describe any situation that has a high probability of success or can be predicted with confidence.

Synonyms in English

  • Assured thing
  • Certified victory
  • Guaranteed win
  • Foregone conclusion
  • Preordained outcome

Synonyms in other languages

  • 安全选项 (Chinese) - This means "safe option" or "reliable choice."
  • 肯定的事物 (Chinese) - This translates to "certain thing" or "definite occurrence."
  • 确实的情况 (Chinese) - This means "real situation" or "actual condition."
  • 安全决策 (German) - This translates to "safe decision" or "secure strategy."
  • 確定性的事項 (Japanese) - This means "certain thing" or "verifiable occurrence."

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