English Idioms

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Say what


The idiom "say what" has multiple meanings, but generally, it is used to express surprise or disbelief. It can also be used to encourage someone to speak up or say something they have been hesitant to share.


  • "I'm sorry, I didn't realize you were feeling that way. Say what?" - This sentence is used when the speaker wants to clarify or confirm something said by the other person.
  • "Wow, that's amazing! Say what?" - This sentence is used when the speaker is surprised by a statement made by the other person.
  • "I thought you were going to say that. Say what?" - This sentence is used when the speaker expects the other person to share something, but they are hesitant or unwilling to do so.
  • "I'm not sure if I understand you correctly. Say what?" - This sentence is used when the speaker wants clarification on a statement made by the other person.
  • "You know what? Let's just say what we think and see where it goes." - This sentence is used when the speaker encourages others to speak their minds and share their thoughts openly.

Roots and History

The origins of the idiom "say what" are unclear, but it has been in use since at least the mid-20th century. It is believed to have originated in the United States, although it may have also evolved from similar expressions used in other English-speaking countries. Over time, the meaning and usage of the idiom have remained relatively consistent, although it has become more widely recognized and accepted in contemporary language.

Synonyms in English

  • "What now?"
  • "So you're saying..."
  • "I see what you mean?"
  • "That's interesting... say what?"
  • "Can you elaborate on that?"

Synonyms in other languages

  • Spanish - "¿Por qué?" (Why?)
  • French - "Qu'est-ce que cela signifie?" (What does it mean?)
  • German - "Das ist einiges, das zu erklären hat" (There is a lot to explain)
  • Italian - "Cosa significa?" (What does it mean?)
  • Japanese - "どうして?" (Why?)

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