English Idioms

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Strike while the iron is hot


The idiom "strike while the iron is hot" means that it's a good time to take advantage of an opportunity or to do something when conditions are favorable. This phrase suggests that if you don't act quickly, the opportunity may pass by and become unavailable.


  • John decided to propose to his girlfriend during their trip to Paris because he knew it would be a romantic and memorable moment.
  • The company is offering a special discount on its products right now. It's a good idea to strike while the iron is hot and take advantage of this offer before it expires.
  • Sarah has been studying for her exams, but she procrastinated until the last minute. She regrets not striking while the iron was hot and taking advantage of the early study period.
  • Mark had a business idea that he wanted to implement, but he waited too long. By the time he acted on it, someone else had already taken advantage of the opportunity. He learned a valuable lesson about striking while the iron is hot.
  • The job market is competitive, and opportunities can be fleeting. If you see an opening that aligns with your skills and interests, don't hesitate to strike while the iron is hot and apply for the position.

Roots and History

The origin of this idiom is unclear, but it has been in use since at least the 15th century. One theory suggests that it refers to the practice of hitting a piece of iron while it's still hot, making it easier to shape and work with. Another theory suggests that it comes from the practice of striking a deal or making a decision quickly when conditions are favorable.

Synonyms in English

  • Seize the moment
  • Act on impulse
  • Take advantage of an opportunity
  • Make hay while the sun shines
  • Strike gold

Synonyms in other languages

  • En profite de l'occasion (French) - To take advantage of an opportunity
  • 利用机会 (Chinese) - To make use of an opportunity
  • היות נפעט מכרתת (Hebrew) - To seize the moment and make a deal
  • افتراح بعضهوا الوقت (Arabic) - To offer some time to do something
  • أسفرندي شاهته تازی شمسی (Persian) - The moment is fleeting, don't hesitate to act.

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