English Idioms

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See eye to eye


The idiom "see eye to eye" means to have the same opinion or viewpoint about something, to be in full agreement with someone on a particular issue or topic. It can also mean to reach an understanding or come to an arrangement with someone.


  • John and Mary have been arguing for hours but finally they've managed to see eye to eye on the budget.
  • The two colleagues saw eye to eye on how the project should be approached, resulting in a successful outcome.
  • After several rounds of negotiations, the two parties were able to see eye to eye and reach a mutually beneficial agreement.
  • Even though they come from different backgrounds, they managed to see eye to eye on the importance of sustainability.
  • Despite their initial differences, the team was eventually able to see eye to eye on how to solve the problem at hand.

Roots and History

The origin of the idiom "see eye to eye" is uncertain, but it has been in use since at least the 16th century. It may have derived from the literal meaning of seeing two objects or people at the same level or height, which could symbolize being on the same page or having the same perspective.

Synonyms in English

  • Agree with someone/something entirely
  • Be of the same mind/opinion
  • Share the same viewpoint/perspective
  • Have a common understanding/arrangement
  • Be in harmony/concurrence

Synonyms in other languages

  • English: see eye to eye, agree with someone/something entirely
  • French: avoir le même avis, être d'accord
  • Spanish: estar de acuerdo, tener el mismo punto de vista
  • German: einig sein, sich übereinkommen
  • Italian: essere di pari opinione, avere il stesso punto di vista

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