English Idioms

Comprehensive resource for understanding and mastering English idioms

Set the bar


The idiom "set the bar" means to establish a high standard or goal for something, often in order to challenge oneself to perform better or achieve greater success. It can also mean to set limits or boundaries on what is acceptable or allowed. The figurative meaning of this phrase in contemporary language is often used to express enthusiasm for something that has been set as a target or objective.


  • We need to set the bar high for our employees if we want them to perform at their best.
  • I'm excited to set the bar for my new project and see what I can achieve.
  • You can't have your cake and eat it too - you need to set the bar for yourself before asking others to do the same.
  • We want to set the bar high for our school by maintaining an excellent academic record.
  • The competition is fierce, but we plan to set the bar even higher for ourselves.

Roots and History

The idiom "set the bar" is believed to have originated in the context of sports competitions. Athletes would set a certain standard or goal for themselves before entering a race or event, hoping to improve their performance and achieve greater success. Over time, the phrase has been extended beyond sports to include any situation where someone wants to set high standards or goals. There are variations of this phrase in different languages, such as "set the bar high" in German ("den Kriterien anpassen"), "set the bar for yourself" in Dutch ("jezelf te bepalen"), and "put your foot down" in Australian English ("vak jezelf").

Synonyms in English

  • raise the stakes
  • set a benchmark
  • establish a standard
  • aim high
  • set goals

Synonyms in other languages

  • In French, there is the idiom "poser des préuves" (to put forward evidence) that has a similar meaning. This phrase can be used to express a desire for proof or validation of a statement or claim.
  • In Spanish, the idiom "establecer una meta" (to set a goal) is used to express a desire to achieve something specific.
  • In Russian, the phrase "поставить высокий уровень" (to set a high level) can be used to express a desire for excellence or outstanding performance in a particular field.

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