English Idioms

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Start from scratch


The idiom "start from scratch" means to start a new project, plan or idea without any preconceived notions or knowledge about it. It is used to describe the beginning of something from the ground up, without any prior experience or background knowledge. For example, if someone wants to start a business but has no prior experience in running one, they might say "I want to start my own business from scratch."


  • John was a programmer who decided to switch careers and become an artist. He had never painted before, so he started his art project from scratch.
  • The company had been struggling for years, but with new leadership, they decided to start their marketing campaign from scratch.
  • When Sarah moved to a new city, she didn't know anyone there. She joined a local club and started her social life from scratch.
  • After years of working in the same industry, Tom decided to start his own business from scratch.
  • The team had been practicing hard for months, but they were still struggling with their performance. They decided to start their training program from scratch.

Roots and History

The origin of the idiom "start from scratch" is unclear, but it has been used in English since at least the 19th century. It may have derived from the phrase "starting over," which means to begin again without any past experiences or knowledge. Over time, the usage of the idiom has remained largely consistent, although it may be used differently depending on the context. For example, in a business setting, starting from scratch may refer to a new product or service that is being developed from scratch. In contrast, in a personal setting, it may refer to someone who has lost everything and must start over with nothing.

Synonyms in English

  • Starting anew
  • Starting fresh
  • Starting with a clean slate
  • Starting from the beginning
  • Starting at ground zero

Synonyms in other languages

  • In French, "redépartir" means to start again or restart something from scratch.
  • In Italian, "riprendere da zero" means to start from the beginning or begin anew.
  • In Spanish, "reiniciar" means to start over or start again from scratch.
  • In German, "beginnen wieder von vorn" means to start again from scratch or begin a new project without any preconceived notions.
  • In Japanese, "スタートが新しいものから始める" means to start something fresh or begin with a clean slate.

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