English Idioms

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Surgical strike


The idiom "surgical strike" refers to a sudden and precise attack that is executed with great care and precision, often resulting in the complete elimination of the target. This term was originally used to describe military operations where troops were dropped into enemy territory to carry out a specific mission or objective before returning safely. However, it has since been adopted by various fields such as business, politics, and even sports to describe similar types of actions.


  • The military carried out a surgical strike on the enemy base, destroying all their equipment and weaponry in just one hour.
  • The company's CEO executed a surgical strike on its competitors by acquiring their market share at an unbeatable price.
  • The government launched a surgical strike on corruption by arresting several high-profile officials and seizing their assets.
  • The sports team won the championship with a surgical strike on its opponents' defense, scoring two goals in the final quarter.
  • The surgeon executed a surgical strike on the patient's heart, performing the procedure flawlessly and saving their life.

Roots and History

The term "surgical strike" was first used in military operations during World War II when paratroopers were sent behind enemy lines to carry out specific missions. The term was derived from the surgical precision required to execute such operations. Over time, the idiom has been adopted by various fields and is now used to describe any type of action that is executed with great care and precision.

Synonyms in English

  • Precision strike
  • Targeted attack
  • Focused intervention
  • Strategic operation
  • Tactical maneuver

Synonyms in other languages

  • L'attaque tactique (French) - A tactical attack is a sudden and precise military operation that is executed with great care and precision.
  • De operatie (Dutch) - An operation is a planned and coordinated effort to achieve a specific objective or goal.
  • Tjakt mot (Norwegian) - A target is someone or something that is being aimed at or targeted for destruction.
  • Enkelträget (Swedish) - A single strike or attack, often executed with great precision and speed.
  • Ese de bola (Spanish) - A well-aimed shot or stroke, often referring to a tennis serve or golf swing.

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