English Idioms

Comprehensive resource for understanding and mastering English idioms

The other side of the coin


The idiom "the other side of the coin" refers to a perspective or point of view that is opposite or different from the one being discussed or considered. It can also mean a situation or outcome that is the exact opposite of what was expected or hoped for.


  • In a political discussion, someone might say "I hear your argument, but I want to see the other side of the coin." This means they want to hear the opposing viewpoint.
  • If someone is having trouble making a decision, they might say "I need to think about the other side of the coin." This means they need to consider the opposite option or perspective.
  • After a disappointing outcome, someone might say "Well, at least there's always the other side of the coin." This means that even though things didn't go as planned, there may still be a positive outcome or situation.
  • If two friends are arguing, one of them might say "I see your point, but I need to see the other side of the coin." This means they want to understand their friend's perspective, even if it differs from their own.
  • If someone is feeling down or unhappy, a friend might suggest "You need to think about the other side of the coin." This means that sometimes, things may not be as bad as they seem and there may be something positive to focus on.

Roots and History

The idiom has been in use since at least the 16th century. Its earliest known usage is from a book written by Thomas Nashe in 1593 called "Pierces Supererogation," where he writes, "The matter was so well handled that it appeared to be in the right place." The idiom has since been used in literature and speech to refer to a situation or outcome that is exactly opposite of what was expected. Its usage has remained relatively consistent over time, but its popularity may have increased with the rise of social media and internet communication, where people can easily share different perspectives and opinions on various topics.

Synonyms in English

  • The flip side
  • The reverse
  • The opposite
  • Two sides to every story
  • A change of pace

Synonyms in other languages

  • In Spanish, the idiom "el otro lado de la moneda" has a similar meaning and is used in a similar way.
  • In French, the idiom "l'autre côté de la médaille" means "the other side of the coin" and is used to express a desire for a different or opposing perspective.
  • In Italian, the idiom "lato opposto" means "the opposite side" and is used in a similar way.
  • In German, the idiom "die andere Seite" means "the other side" and is used to express the desire for a different or opposing perspective.
  • In Russian, the idiom "другая сторона медали" has a similar meaning and is used in a similar way.

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