English Idioms

Comprehensive resource for understanding and mastering English idioms



The idiom "tight-lipped" refers to someone who is unwilling to reveal information or share their thoughts, often due to fear of criticism or judgment. They may be reserved or guarded, keeping their feelings and opinions close to the vest.


  • Despite being close friends, Sarah always kept a tight-lipped about her personal life, making it difficult for others to offer support or advice.
  • The witness remained tight-lipped during the trial, refusing to divulge any information that could incriminate themselves or their associates.
  • Even when faced with criticism, the CEO maintained a tight-lipped, stoic demeanor, never showing signs of vulnerability or weakness.
  • The gossipy neighbors were always eager to share juicy details about their neighbors' lives, but the tight-lipped couple next door refused to participate in their games.
  • Despite feeling hurt by her friend's behavior, she tried to remain tight-lipped and maintain a civil relationship, hoping that the conflict would eventually dissipate on its own.

Roots and History

The idiom "tight-lipped" has been used since at least the early 19th century, when it was first recorded in literature and spoken language. The literal meaning of the phrase is related to the idea of keeping one's lips tightly sealed or closed, which can symbolize secrecy and a closed-off demeanor. Over time, the figurative meaning of the idiom has evolved to refer specifically to someone who is guarded or reserved in their communication.

Synonyms in English

  • reserved,
  • closed-mouth,
  • tight-faced,
  • taciturn,
  • reticent.

Synonyms in other languages

  • In Spanish, the idiom "cerradizo" (literally meaning "closed") can be used to describe someone who is guarded or secretive.
  • In French, the phrase "fermé" (meaning "closed") can have a similar connotation.
  • In Mandarin Chinese, the phrase "闭嘴不说" (meaning "keep your mouth shut") can also convey the idea of being tight-lipped.

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