English Idioms

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Turn the tables


The idiom "turn the tables" means to reverse or change the positions or roles of people involved in a situation, often to give someone an advantage. It can also mean to make a sudden change or reversal in circumstances. In contemporary language, the figurative meaning of "turn the tables" is commonly used to describe a situation where power dynamics have shifted unexpectedly or someone has been put in a disadvantaged position but manages to turn things around.


  • The victim of the crime was able to turn the tables on her attacker by confronting him with evidence of his wrongdoing.
  • After years of being bullied at school, the shy student finally found the courage to stand up for herself and turned the tables on her tormentors.
  • The new CEO's leadership style quickly turned the tables for the struggling company, boosting sales and profits within a year.
  • In the courtroom, the defense attorney was able to turn the tables on the prosecutor by exposing inconsistencies in the witness testimony.
  • When the power outage struck, the family huddled together in the dark, but as soon as the lights came back on, they were able to turn the tables and enjoy a cozy night at home.

Roots and History

The origin of the idiom "turn the tables" can be traced back to medieval times when tables were used as a symbol of power and authority. In some cultures, it was considered impolite or disrespectful to turn one's back on the table, which was seen as an invitation for someone to overthrow the current ruler or authority figure. Over time, the idiom evolved to mean a sudden change in circumstances that gives someone an advantage or puts them in a more favorable position. It is believed to have originated in the United States in the 19th century and has since become a common expression used in both formal and informal contexts.

Synonyms in English

  • Flip the script
  • Reverse roles
  • Switch places
  • Change positions
  • Turn things around

Synonyms in other languages

  • En français: "Reverser les rôles" (to reverse roles)
  • In Spanish: "Cambiar las posiciones" (to change positions)
  • In German: "Die Röcke umlegen" (to turn one's back on someone or something)
  • In Italian: "Roventare il ruolo" (to reverse roles)
  • In Portuguese: "Enderrocar as posições" (to change positions)

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