English Idioms

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Ugly duckling


The "ugly duckling" is an idiom that refers to someone who appears to be unattractive or unpleasant, but turns out to be more attractive than expected. It is often used to describe a person's initial appearance or behavior.


  • Despite his unkempt hair and ill-fitting clothes, John turned out to be quite charming. He was the ugly duckling at first glance, but he surprised everyone with his kindness and wit.
  • I used to think Sarah was dull and boring, but after spending some time with her, I realized she was a vibrant and intelligent person. She was definitely an ugly duckling on the outside, but her true beauty shone through once I got to know her.
  • When I met Mike at the bar, he looked like he belonged there - rough around the edges and with a drunken stench. But as we chatted, I realized he had a great sense of humor and a passion for art. He was the ugly duckling of the group, but he turned out to be quite unique.
  • Sarah's boyfriend, Tom, always seemed a bit nerdy and uninteresting, but once I got to know him, I realized he was a kind and thoughtful person. He was definitely an ugly duckling at first glance, but his true personality shone through with time.
  • John had always been a bit of a loner and didn't have many friends. But when he started volunteering at the animal shelter, he met some like-minded people and made new friends. He was the ugly duckling of the group, but he found his tribe and fit in well.

Roots and History

The idiom "ugly duckling" has its roots in the Aesop's Fable "The Ugly Duckling." The fable tells the story of a mother duck who laid an egg that hatched into an ugly duckling. The other animals in the forest laughed at the bird and called it "ugly," but as it grew older, it turned out to be a swan. The idiom has been used in English since at least the 17th century, with variations appearing in different regions and cultures. It is often used to describe someone who appears to be unattractive or unpleasant at first, but turns out to have hidden talents or qualities that make them more appealing.

Synonyms in English

  • Ugly duckling
  • Unsuspecting
  • Surprising
  • Unexpected
  • Hidden talent

Synonyms in other languages

  • 壞費生物 (Japanese) - A creature that appears unattractive or unpleasant, but turns out to have hidden talents or qualities.
  • 黑鳥子 (Chinese) - A bird that is initially ugly but turns out to be beautiful.
  • 丑雀 (Japanese) - A bird that appears unattractive at first but turns out to be beautiful.
  • 苦奴生物 (Japanese) - A creature that is initially unappealing, but turned out to be valuable.
  • 稚鳥子 (Chinese) - A bird that appears young and inexperienced, but turns out to be intelligent and capable.

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