English Idioms

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Yellow streak


The idiom "yellow streak" refers to a person who is extremely cowardly or timid, lacking courage or bravery in situations that require them. It suggests that the person lacks the necessary strength of character to confront difficult or dangerous circumstances, and instead tends to avoid or flee from them.


  • "Despite his fearless reputation, John was a yellow streak when it came to facing his fears." - This sentence implies that John had a reputation for being brave, but when faced with a difficult situation, he exhibited cowardice or timidity.
  • "Sarah's yellow streak made her an easy target for bullies at school." - In this sentence, Sarah is portrayed as someone who lacked the courage to stand up for herself and was therefore easily intimidated by others.
  • "The yellow streak in our team was responsible for missing the deadline." - This sentence suggests that one or more members of the team were too timid or cowardly to take on their responsibilities, causing them to fail to meet a crucial deadline.
  • "After seeing the movie, I realized that the main character's yellow streak made him an unsatisfying hero." - In this sentence, the speaker is critical of a character in a movie who they feel lacked courage or bravery, making him an unimpressive hero.
  • "I was shocked to learn that my idol, known for his fearless performances, was actually a yellow streak when it came to personal relationships." - This sentence highlights the contrast between someone's public persona and their true character, with the speaker expressing disappointment that their idol was not as brave or courageous as they had thought.

Roots and History

The idiom "yellow streak" is believed to have originated from World War II when pilots who were afraid of flying would often urinate themselves before taking off, causing a yellow mark on their uniforms. This was considered a sign of cowardice or timidity, and the term became used more broadly to refer to anyone who exhibited similar behavior or traits.

Synonyms in English

  • Chickenhearted
  • Cowardly
  • Feeble-minded
  • Timid
  • Weak-wristed

Synonyms in other languages

  • Spanish: "miedoso" - To be afraid or cowardly.
  • French: "timide" - To be shy or reticent, often due to fear.
  • German: "faul" - To be lazy or sluggish, often as a result of lacking courage or motivation.
  • Italian: "fiocco" - To be weak-wristed or lacking in strength, particularly when it comes to facing challenges.
  • Japanese: "かわいい" - To be cute or endearing, but also implying a lack of substance or depth, which can be associated with cowardice or timidity.

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