English Idioms

Comprehensive resource for understanding and mastering English idioms

A bird in the hand


A bird in the hand is better than two in the bush, meaning it's safer and more reliable to have something tangible or certain rather than taking risks for a potential reward that may not materialize. This idiom emphasizes caution and practicality over potential gains.


  • "It's better to have a job offer in hand before starting your own business." - This sentence shows how the idiom can be used to advise caution when making decisions or taking risks.
  • "I'd rather have a steady income than pursue my dream of becoming an artist." - In this case, the idiom highlights the practicality of choosing a reliable source of income over pursuing a risky but potentially rewarding career.
  • "It's better to be safe than sorry when it comes to health and safety regulations." - This sentence shows how the idiom can be used in discussions about safety and compliance.
  • "I'd rather have a guaranteed promotion than take on additional responsibilities with no promise of advancement." - In this case, the idiom emphasizes the value of certainty and reliability over potential gains.
  • "It's better to ask for forgiveness than permission when it comes to breaking rules or protocols." - This sentence shows how the idiom can be used in discussions about ethics and decision-making.

Roots and History

The origin of the idiom is uncertain, but it has been in use since at least the 17th century. One theory suggests that it comes from a fable about a man who was offered a bird in his hand by a fairy, but he refused and chose to pursue a bird in the bush instead. When he returned empty-handed, the fairy scolded him for being foolish and warned him of the dangers of chasing after uncertain rewards. Another theory suggests that the idiom comes from the practice of hunting birds and trapping them in bushes, where they could easily escape or cause harm to themselves. Hunters would prefer to catch a bird in their hand and keep it safe.

Synonyms in English

  • Better safe than sorry
  • Secure in the bag
  • Certainty over potential gain
  • Risk-averse

Synonyms in other languages

  • "Meilleur en garantie que dans le vide" - French (Translation: Better guaranteed than in the void)
  • "Mejor seguro que en el vacío" - Spanish (Translation: Better secure than in the void)
  • "Es menejeiro de bola por escorolas e escolas por menejeiros de bola" - Portuguese (Translation: A bird in a schoolbag is better than two in the bush)

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