English Idioms

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As an aside


The idiom "as an aside" means to add something unexpectedly or incidentally to a conversation while the main topic is being discussed. It refers to a comment or piece of information that is not directly related to the main subject but is mentioned in passing.


  • During the meeting, John made a joke as an aside that caused everyone to laugh.
  • As an aside, I heard that the company is considering laying off some employees soon.
  • Sarah shared her personal story as an aside during her presentation.
  • The actor delivered a line as an aside that received applause from the audience.
  • While discussing politics, my friend made a comment as an aside about the current administration. The usage of "as an aside" can vary depending on the context. It can be used in formal or informal settings and can refer to something that is either positive or negative. The idiom can also be used to express surprise, humor, or even to criticize someone without directly addressing them.

Roots and History

The idiom "as an aside" has its roots in the theater world. In Shakespearean times, actors would often deliver lines as an aside to express their thoughts or feelings that were not meant for the audience to hear. The phrase later became used in everyday conversation to describe any off-topic comments or actions. Over time, the meaning of the idiom has broadened to include any unexpected or incidental remarks made during a conversation.

Synonyms in English

  • Offhandedly
  • In passing
  • Casually
  • Aside from that
  • Besides

Synonyms in other languages

  • En passant (French) - used to describe something said or done quickly and without any hesitation
  • Come agli occhi (Italian) - used to describe something that catches one's attention unexpectedly
  • A la passe (French) - used to describe something that is out of fashion or out of date
  • 遮蔽的 (Japanese) - used to describe something that is hidden or concealed from others
  • 旁に言い出す (Japanese) - used to describe someone who speaks out of turn or in an unrelated manner

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