English Idioms

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Blind spot


The idiom "blind spot" refers to a person's inability or unwillingness to acknowledge or recognize their own shortcomings, mistakes, or areas of weakness. It is often used to describe someone who is overly confident in themselves and lacks self-awareness. The term originates from the idea that people have a blind spot in their visual field that they cannot see, which can represent an area that they are unaware of or unable to recognize.


  • Despite his many successes, John's blind spot is his tendency to underestimate others and take credit for their work.
  • Sarah's blind spot is her inability to accept criticism and improve herself.
  • The company's blind spot was its failure to adapt to changing market conditions.
  • The coach's blind spot was his tendency to favor certain players over others, resulting in a lack of diversity on the team.
  • My friend's blind spot is her inability to see when she's being manipulated or taken advantage of by others. The usage of the idiom "blind spot" can vary depending on the context. In some cases, it may refer to a physical blind spot that someone has, while in others, it may be used more metaphorically to describe a person's lack of self-awareness or awareness of their environment.

Roots and History

The term "blind spot" dates back to the late 19th century and was first used to describe a physical blind spot that people had in their visual field. Over time, the idiom has been used more metaphorically to describe a person's lack of self-awareness or awareness of their environment. The term has become increasingly common in contemporary language as people have become more aware of the importance of self-awareness and personal growth.

Synonyms in English

  • Blind spot - Ignorance, arrogance, hubris, conceit
  • Overconfidence - Arrogance, complacency, self-satisfaction, complacence
  • Self-unawareness - Naiveté, obliviousness, disregard, negligence
  • Lack of introspection - Introversion, reflection, rumination, contemplation
  • Limited perspective - Narrow-mindedness, prejudice, bias, dogmatism

Synonyms in other languages

  • French - "Blind spot" (blindage)
  • Spanish - "Blind spot" (ciegospace)
  • Italian - "Blind spot" (cegoia)
  • German - "Blind spot" ( blindspot)
  • Russian - "Blind spot" (бесперебойная невидимость)

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