English Idioms

Comprehensive resource for understanding and mastering English idioms

Buy time


The idiom "buy time" means to purchase a short amount of time in order to gain more time or delay an action or decision that is urgent or important. It can also mean to get some additional time to complete a task, overcome a problem, or make a final decision. The phrase is often used when someone is under pressure or facing a difficult situation and needs more time to think things through or take action.


Here are five sentences using the idiom "buy time":

  • I need to buy some time before I make a final decision on this project.
  • Can you give me a few more minutes to finish up this task? I just need to buy some time.
  • I'm not sure if I can afford the down payment right now, but maybe I can buy time by taking out a loan.
  • We're running late for our meeting, but we can buy some time by stopping at a gas station on the way.
  • My boss is very demanding and expects me to have all the answers right away. Sometimes I need to buy some time to gather more information before responding.

Roots and History

The phrase "buy time" has been used in English since the 16th century. It comes from the Old French phrase "acheter du temps," which means "to purchase time." The idiom was first used in English in the 1500s, and it has since become a common expression used in both formal and informal language.

Synonyms in English

Here are three synonyms for "buy time" in English:

  • Gain some time
  • Get more time
  • Buy a bit of time

Synonyms in other languages

Here are five synonyms for "buy time" with translations and descriptions in other languages:

  • 買時間 (bai shi jiān) - Mandarin Chinese: This phrase is similar to "buy time" in English, but it's written in Chinese characters. It means to purchase a short amount of time in order to gain more time or delay an action or decision that is urgent or important.
  • 買時間 (bai shi jiān) - Hindi: This phrase is similar to "buy time" in English, but it's written in Hindi characters. It means to purchase a short amount of time in order to gain more time or delay an action or decision that is urgent or important.
  • 買時間 (bai shi jiān) - Arabic: This phrase is similar to "buy time" in English, but it's written in Arabic characters. It means to purchase a short amount of time in order to gain more time or delay an action or decision that is urgent or important.
  • 買時間 (bai shi jiān) - Spanish: This phrase is similar to "buy time" in English, but it's written in Spanish characters. It means to purchase a short amount of time in order to gain more time or delay an action or decision that is urgent or important.
  • 買時間 (bai shi jiān) - French: This phrase is similar to "buy time" in English, but it's written in French characters. It means to purchase a short amount of time in order to gain more time or delay an action or decision that is urgent or important.

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