English Idioms

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New York minute


The idiom "New York minute" is used to describe a very short amount of time or an instantaneous action that happens quickly or without warning. It's often used to express surprise or amazement, and can also convey a sense of urgency or quickness. For example, "I was just about to finish my work when my boss called me into his office for a meeting. I barely had time to grab my notebook before he arrived!"


  • She walked out the door without saying goodbye, leaving me in shock and wondering what could possibly have happened.
  • The lightning struck so quickly that I didn't even see it coming. It was like a New York minute!
  • I had just finished my presentation when someone stood up with their hand raised, causing me to forget everything I had been saying.
  • She accidentally sent an email to her boss with a sensitive attachment while she was on a conference call. It was as if time stopped for a New York minute!
  • I didn't realize how important my passport was until I left it behind at the airport, causing me so much stress and worry.

Roots and History

The idiom "New York minute" is believed to have originated in the 19th century when New York City was becoming a major center for commerce and entertainment. The phrase likely referred to the fast-paced and exciting atmosphere of the city, with its constantly changing and unpredictable nature. Over time, the idiom has evolved to simply mean an extremely short amount of time or an instantaneous action.

Synonyms in English

  • "In a flash" - This phrase means something happens suddenly and rapidly, like lightning.
  • "At the drop of a hat" - This phrase means someone is ready to do something immediately or without hesitation.
  • "On the fly" - This phrase means something happens quickly and spontaneously, often without planning.

Synonyms in other languages

  • French: "En regard d'une minute" - This translates to "in a moment" or "at once".
  • German: "In Sekunden" - This means "within seconds".
  • Spanish: "En minutos" - This means "in minutes".
  • Italian: "All'improvviso" - This means "suddenly" or "unexpectedly".
  • Chinese: "逝粹式" - This means "fast and furious", often used to describe something that happens quickly and unexpectedly.

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