English Idioms

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Second wind


The idiom "second wind" refers to a sudden surge of energy or renewed enthusiasm for something that had previously run out of steam or lost momentum. It suggests that there is still some residual power left, just waiting to be tapped into again. The term comes from the idea of a sailor catching the wind after it has passed them by, giving them a second chance at progress.

The idiom "second wind" refers to a sudden boost in energy or enthusiasm for something that had previously lost momentum or run out of steam. It suggests that there is still some residual power left, just waiting to be tapped into again. The term comes from the idea of a sailor catching the wind after it has passed them by, giving them a second chance at progress.


  • After finishing his marathon, John felt like he had hit a second wind and could have run another 5 miles easily.
  • During the final quarter of the game, the team's star player returned from injury and gave them a second wind that helped them pull out the win.
  • After losing her job, Jane struggled to find motivation, but then she landed a new position and felt like she had a second wind in her sails.
  • The student's grades had been declining all semester, but after receiving feedback from their professor, they found a second wind and started performing better.
  • During the third act of the play, the audience was growing restless until the lead character returned to the stage with a newfound sense of energy and gave them a second wind that kept them engaged until the end.

Roots and History

The idiom "second wind" has its roots in sailing, where it refers to catching the wind after it has passed by. This was often done by raising the sails higher, allowing the boat to catch the breeze from a different direction. In the early days of sailing, this maneuver required a great deal of skill and timing, as sailors had to make sure they caught the wind at just the right moment. Over time, the term "second wind" began to be used metaphorically to describe any sudden surge of energy or enthusiasm for something that had previously lost momentum or run out of steam.

Synonyms in English

  • Second wind
  • Boost
  • Energy surge
  • Renewed enthusiasm
  • Newfound strength

Synonyms in other languages

  • French: "second souffle" - a sudden burst of energy or enthusiasm after a period of fatigue or sluggishness.
  • Spanish: "segunda ventana" - a second opportunity to do something that was previously unsuccessful.
  • Italian: "secondo vento" - a second wave or surge of something, often used to describe a sudden change in circumstances.
  • German: "Zweiter Wind" - a second breath or wind, used to describe a renewed sense of energy or enthusiasm.
  • Chinese: "第二起飞" - the second takeoff, referring to any action that involves starting again after a failure or setback.

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